Have I mentioned lately that referrals are slow?
We moved one spot this month.....
I refuse to lose hope! I know were are called to Ethiopia and are exactly where we need to be right now. I know God has a plan and a purpose and in His perfect timing our child will join our family.
That being said, please understand that those are very hard things for me to hear right now. When your heart is desperately longing for that child God is hand picking just for you, you know that while you wait they wait too, only with even less understanding! After all we have been through to get to this point, those are very hard words to hear
So what do we need right now?
1) Prayer! Lots and lots of prayer! Prayer for us, our hearts, our finances, our child, our preparations..everything, please just cover this whole adoption in prayer! Just not patience please....I'm still trying to deal with the last dose I prayed for ;)
2) Patience and Understanding from all of you! Most days we honestly try not to think about our adoption. We "try" to enjoy the time we are being blessed with to grow as a couple before children. But as you can imagine, that's not always realistic. Our adoption has grown from just a way to grow our family into our family mission to "defend the fatherless"; God has opened our eyes and our hearts are literally breaking for the things that break God's heart. It's nearly impossible to not be focused on adoption. So when we seem bummed that our number hasn't dropped, or we are rambling about adoption stuff in general please try to understand we are just excited about what God is doing in and through us and we really want to share it and for you to be a part of it!
3) We are still in super savings mode to get all our funding. So if you have some neat ways to save money or fun fundraising ideas we'd love to hear them. But please, keep nasty comments to yourself!
Aside from that we are doing well. Looking forward to the upcoming holidays and time with family.
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