01 July 2013


Got our monthly wait list number today and was in total shock! We moved 8 spaces to number

Now some of you may remember a couple months ago I was super bummed because I asked prayer specifically that we would drop into the 40's the following month. Well, as I am learning, God's timing is not my own and while it was not "when" I wanted, it was exactly what I wanted and I'm sure that while I don't specifically know why I had to wait longer, there was a reason and it will all work out to the good!

Now for some even more exciting news, though we moved 8 spaces, 10 children were matched with their forever families!!! That's 10 fewer orphans in the world....wahoo!!

6- Infants
1- child over age 6
1- sibling set ages 6 & 10
1- Special needs child

Our Specific Requests:
1) We have been so blessed by the donations and prayers from friends! We are still in fundraising mode and need quite a bit more to be fully funded. Please pray that we will be directed to fruitful ways to raise/save funds.

2) Please pray for peace over our hearts. Seems like everywhere I turn another person is welcoming their child home through either birth or adoption and while I'm ecstatic for them, I'm ready for my turn.

3) While the PAIR process does make the adoptions more efficient and safe, it did add A LOT of time on to the process. Please pray there are no further "hiccups" in the process.

4) Finally, please pray for the birth mother. I don't know if our child is even conceived yet but she is going to have to make the hardest decision of her life. A decision that will give us the gift we have longed for, and a life for her child she could not provide. But more importantly, pray that in this process someone shares with her the love of Christ.

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