19 November 2012

Orphan Sunday

Yesterday Warren and I had the opportunity to meet other families in our church who have adopted and those who are interested in adoption. We met a wonderful family who brought their son home from Ethiopia in May after 1.5 years on the waiting list. Also, we were able to talk with a couple who have been considering adoption for a while. They had a lot of question and we were able to openly share our experiences with them and explain the process some.

As eager as I am for our baby to come home, my heart breaks when I think of all the children without a home. There are over 4 million orphans in Ethiopia alone! To put that in perspective, it would be like the entire population of Kentucky, 1/4 of New York, or 7 Wyomings!!! In the world there are over 147 million orphans or about 1/2 of the population of the United States.

If you have ever considered adoption just do it. If adoption is not an option for you, please pray that waiting families receive their children soon. That the children waiting will be cared for and that all children will have someone in their lives who will show them God's love. 

Our lives have been so blessed because of this process and I can't wait to see what else God has for us!!

1 comment:

  1. What an opportunity. God is using you both in more ways than you know. You are definetly a blessing to our family. Love you both!
